Bosa is the educational farm of the Park, because it is located in an ideal place to preserve threatened wild species and local agronomic varieties of food interest. It is a special area to promote the typical products in relation to short supply chains, organic agriculture and niche markets.
Bosa is also a centre of research and innovation in the wine & food
Bosa is above all... "the
space of lived time": a place of tradition, made on a human scale,
vibrating with slow and forgotten rhythms: "of
beasts, woods and human sounds ... smell of oil and candles ... the
honey, milk, breads and true wine..." |
castello di Careggine ... l'abitano uomini robustissimi, buoni agricoltori e
pastori, che vivono del frutto di castagne, del cacio delle pecore (...). Le
granaglie sono scarse, ma una delle risorse di questa Comunità la
somministra la vite, che produce il miglior vino della Garfagnana". |